SAS commits to support causes affecting our surrounding communities and nation. Currently, we support military service members and their families through donations and volunteer participation in various activities, as well as cancer families and research through multiple charitable foundations. In 2012, we formed a Comfort and Support Team made up of SAS volunteers ready to aid those in need of shoes, t-shirts, and most importantly, hearts led with compassion to help those in need get back on their feet when unforeseen disaster strikes.
SAS pairs up with Dress for Success
SAS has partnered with Dress for Success and donated over 100+ pair of shoes!
Dress for Success San Antonio targets the needs of women by promoting economic security and self-sufficiency to break the chains of generational poverty through job preparation, employment retention and career development programs.
Shoes from SAS will complete a perfect outfit with comfort and style and give women confidence to enter or return to the workplace, make a great first impression and land a job that could change her life! Watch the video here
Thank you Dress for Success for this partnership.
Comfort and Support Team

Comfort and support are equally as critical in the world around us as they are in the shoes we make. For that reason, SAS is involved in several philanthropic efforts to bring comfort and support to those who are suffering - whether from poverty or natural disaster. Today, more than ever, it's important that we put ourselves in someone else's shoes and realize we are all part of the same world. At SAS, we feel that every step we take toward that realization is a step in the right direction.
When disaster strikes, SAS is ready to help. Our team personally visits disaster areas where we fit and provide those in need with new shoes.
The SAS Comfort and Support Team gives more than just new shoes. A team of volunteers is ready with life's often taken for granted necessities like shoes, socks, bags, belts, T-shirts and most importantly, hearts filled with compassion for those who lost so much. To date, SAS has donated over 14,000 pairs of shoes and other necessities to victims of natural disaster.
Operation Homefront

SAS also cares deeply about our troops. We support the US military through various organizations such as Operation Homefront, and others that lend a helping hand to the brave men and women who protect our freedom, both past and present. Every year SAS takes part in a program to feed military families in and around the Texas area during thanksgiving, providing, packing and distributing thousands of meals to be given out around the state.
Next Steps
Today, more than ever, it's important we put ourselves in someone else's shoes and realize we are all part of the same world. At SAS, we feel that every step we take toward that realization is a step in the right direction. If you know of a worthy organization we should support, contact us at Customer Support.